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Our Physiotherapists
Zoe Vause BSc (Hons)

Zoe qualified in 1999 and completed her junior rotations at Airedale General Hospital before starting to specialise in musculoskeletal work initially at the Ilkley Coronaiton Hospital, then moving into private practice in the Dale Chappell Physiotherapy Clinic, which she now owns and runs.  Her specialist interests lie in foot biomechanics and the problems arising from these, both in everyday life as well as during sporting activity.  Her other special interest area is with back and neck problems - especially with longstanding issues, with complex mechanical compensation patterns, which need unravelling!  She is a keen runner, horse rider and cyclist and is therefore keen to maintain patient's activity levels whilst treating their problem!

Anika Williams BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC Reg

Anika qualified as a physiotherapist from The University of Birmingham in 2000, and has worked in a variety of settings, including the NHS, GP clinics and private sector.

She specialises in all spinal and peripheral joint musculoskeletal conditions, acute or chronic and enjoys helping people at any level continue or get back to doing what they love!

In 2002 she gained a postgraduate qualification in acupuncture and regularly uses this to complement other manual and electro therapies in her treatments.

Anika is a Mum to 2 boys, and between all of their sporting & musical activities, she finds time to enjoy running, playing netball, playing golf and long walks with her Labrador Buddy!


Lindsay Clare BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC Reg
Lindsay qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2007. Upon qualifying she gained experience in a range of settings including the NHS and private sector. She has had 8 years experience of treating musculoskeletal injuries. She has a keen interest in spinal rehabilitation and often incorporates pilates into her treatments. She is also a member of the AACP and uses acupuncture as an adjunct to manual therapy. Her fitness interests include swimming, gym work, yoga, pilates and running.
Do you have musculoskeletal aches or pains, an injury, or are you interested in improving your general function or sports performance?  If so, our highly experienced chartered physiotherapy team could help.  Our generous 45 minute sessions allow us not only to treat your symptoms with a comprehensive package of upto date hands-on/electrotherapy / acupuncture / remedial exercise package, but also to unravel the underlying cause.  This helps prevent or minimise the problem, whatever your age, problem or duration of symptoms.  We also offer bespoke Pilates sessions.  Please do call us on 01943 607231, 07341 916313 or email us on if you are interested in finding out more or to book an appointment.


Latest Clinic News:


Covid-19 Update : 


The clinic is slowly reopening, in the first instance to urgent / emergency /necessary / essential cases…

  • If we would prevent you from needing GP or A&E input

  • prevent further physical / permanent damage occurring (for example something like a disc prolapse)

  • Or if your existing condition is deteriorating


please do telephone us on 01943 607231 so that we can discuss if you fall under criteria to consider a face-to-face consultation.  


Alternatively, we might be able to offer remote consultations (preferably via video link), for advice / management, if the ‘urgency’ does not fall within the face-to-face criteria. 


So, please do telephone if you develop an acute / urgent issue or your existing condition deteriorates within the next few weeks, so we can guide you appropriately.

Please see the 'Cover-19' page for more detail as to how we are implementing measures to protect you if we do decide face-to-face treatment is needed.


Pilates Classes During Covid-19

We are taking some of our Pilates classes on-line during the Covid-19 restrictions - Please do phone or email us if you would like to join us.




...the practice is 62 years old this year!!  Established in 1958 and subsequently taken over by Gilbert Lister, then Dale Chappell before Zoe, we are keen to hear historical stories...and find out who the mystery lady who first started it was?...if anyone can remember, do let us know!

























Insurances -


We are registered with all Insurers - please click on the logos below to access our insurance page -





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